Theorie de Froude relative aux on propeller propulsion or traction

Froude approach allows us to assess the axial induced velocity using a control volume around the fluid stream passing through the propeller. By calculating the volume of fluid, which must penetrate the volume control laterally,due to the contraction of the fluid stream caused by the increase in velocity produced by the propeller: Following the approach proposed by Froude, we can consider the propeller as a uniformly charged disk with an infinite number of blades (Fig. 1). In addition, we set the following assumptions:
  1. are not taken into account the rotation of the flow.
  2. we consider a fluid stream out of which the flow is not disturbed
  3. The pressure at infinity upstream and downstream is equal to the static pressure of undisturbed flow
  4. The air disturbance are sufficiently small that it is assumed that the fluid density is constant.

BEM Theory of the element relative to the propeller blade and traction propulsionfig. 1

lthe continuity equation allows us to calculate the volume added to the control zone per second (volume flow Q in m3/sec),:

BEM Theory of the element relative to the propeller blade and traction propulsion

Q is the volumetric flow discharged from the volume control. From the theorem of momentum, the thrust, T of the propeller is obtained, that is to say the variation of the amount of movement between the sections 2 and O, whose projection on the horizontal axis indicates thrust :

BEM Theory of the element relative to the propeller blade and traction propulsion

The derivative of the momentum versus time :

BEM Theory of the element relative to the propeller blade and traction propulsion

Momentum out "M_2" volume control in Section 2 =

BEM Theory of the element relative to the propeller blade and traction propulsion

Total amount of movement "M_1" within the volume control = Momentum in the volume entry - momentum laterally inserted=

BEM Theory of the element relative to the propeller blade and traction propulsion

Therefore, the axial force of the fluid on the rotor becomes(T=M_2-M_1):

BEM Theory of the element relative to the propeller blade and traction propulsion

One can also express the axial force of the fluid on the rotor T, according the result of the static pressure which is exerted on the surface of dis:

BEM Theory of the element relative to the propeller blade and traction propulsion

where A is the surface of the disc swept by the propeller and Dp, the pressure difference across the disc. Using Bernoulli's equation, we obtain

BEM Theory of the element relative to the propeller blade and traction propulsion

pressure difference O to 1 upstream, and:

BEM Theory of the element relative to the propeller blade and traction propulsion

pressure difference 2 to 1 downstream.


The static pressure difference between the upstream and downstream sides of the disk of the propeller as the expression:

BEM Theory of the element relative to the propeller blade and traction propulsion

From the continuity equation:BEM Theory of the element relative to the propeller blade and traction propulsion, can be derived:

BEM Theory of the element relative to the propeller blade and traction propulsion

and consider the speed of the flow through the disk as an arithmetic average of the velocities upstream and downstream of the propeller:

BEM Theory of the element relative to the propeller blade and traction propulsion


Is called induced velocity w, increasing speed at the propeller disk:

BEM Theory of the element relative to the propeller blade and traction propulsion

BEM Theory of the element relative to the propeller blade and traction propulsion

where "a" represents the axial interference factor.


Now, if we consider the expression:BEM Theory of the element relative to the propeller blade and traction propulsion,the axial force exerted on the disc of the impeller is:


BEM Theory of the element relative to the propeller blade and traction propulsion


From this expression we can identify push the notion of mass flow: The mass of fluid passing through the propeller per second : So we see that the thrust of the propeller is: T=m.(v2-v0) The theory froude gives us the axial induced velocity. It will be linked to the theory of the blade element to give a decomposition of the induced velocity in tangential and axial induced velocities necessary for the prediction of the incidence angles and the geometry of the blades..

Bibliographic references propeller